Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I’ve just read some news about videogame analysts claiming the reason of Take-Two’s current problems are because of ‘Lack of discipline in Dev Cycles’. In other words, they failed to deliver their games on a regular basis, and each development takes too much time.

Based on that logic, Blizzard should have closed their doors years ago, since they only deliver their games ‘when they’re ready’, and not a minute before. And the current EA management admitted that they ruined some of their best IPs when they released games every year.

Somehow I’ve got the feeling these ‘videogame analysts’ are able to explain everything using a bunch of ‘I-know-it-all’ premises they apply to any industry. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling milk, refrigerators or games.

Now, have you ever seen a videogame analyst? I mean: Who the fuck are those guys? What did they study to become a videogame analyst? And are they doing any good to the industry? Who pays them? If I’m ever explained any of these questions, maybe I’ll pay any attention to those so-called ‘experts’. In the meantime go to Hell.

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