Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Since now I have some free time, I finally had the chance to end up Mass Effect. It took me around 33 hours, and my overall sensation is quite good. It definitively deserves the money I payed for the game (a long time ago, I'm afraid). The production values are high, storylines are clearly above the line, and combat is acceptably engaging.

On the minus side (and it's a small side) frame rate drops were frequent, level design twists were not as common as you'd desire and the game is a little too easy. I barely used any of the special/biotic powers I was given.

Still, a great game. However, I still wonder how Bioware essentially makes the same game over and over and succeed. I mean the whole plot is basically taken from Knights of the old republic, as well as much of the core mechanics (team combat, inventory, dialogue system, etc). But hey, if something works and sells...

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