On my September post Heavier Rain I mentioned I took part on a Gamasutra / Game Career contest. You know what? I won! Click here. However, if you read the other contestants' proposals my victory makes more sense. They didn't include any image, and focus mainly on different settings instead on gameplay.
Anyway, it's always nice to win something (although there is no reward at all, just the inner satisfaction).
Nice! Contgralutations, man. Getting recognition is not common in our profession :)
Thanks, mate, but I wouldn't have said no to money, a big golden award or a cheerleader team dancing around me :D
Congrats! Well done!
Thanks Sergio!
Mira que lo tenías callao!
Enhorabuena, caballero!!
Un abrazo!
Being honest, this means nothing. But yes, it's a small ego boost that you always enjoy ;)
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